Energy Saving Tips for Fall

The cost of natural gas has doubled in the past year and prices could continue to rise. This means you could have much higher energy bills this fall and winter. We've compiled some energy saving tips for fall to help you stay warmer without spending too much money.

Energy Saving Tips for Fall

HVAC Maintenance - Each year you should have a licensed HVAC contractor, like 3D Plumbing, Electric, Heating & Air check your furnace. This will ensure that if your HVAC unit has any issues, they can be repaired before the temperatures dip too low and your unit has to work too hard.

Change Air Filters - It's a simple step, but it's easy to forget. If your air filters are funky, it makes your unit work extra hard to push air through. Regularly changed air filters will keep your furnace from working too hard and in addition, they will help trap indoor pollutants. Be sure to reference your owner's manual or ask your HVAC contractor about the best type of air filters to use. Avoid air filters with a high MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating. These filters will trap more pollutants but can damage your HVAC unit.

Seal Cracks and Leaks - Do you have a leaky window or door? Check and replace any weather stripping as needed. This is a simple and effective step to save energy in your home. Opening drapes and letting the sunshine in is also a natural way to warm up a room.

Check Your Chimney - If you use a fireplace, you should have a chimney sweep service inspect and clean your chimney every year. Not only will this help keep your home safe from fires, but you can also get a leaky damper fixed if needed.

Reverse Ceiling Fans - Did you know there is a setting on your ceiling fans that reverses the spin and pushes air back down? You can reverse your fans and reduce the need to increase the temperature as the hot air will be more evenly distributed around the room.

Set the Thermostat Low - It's tempting to crank up the heat in the winter, but experts say if you keep your thermostat set at 68 degrees or lower, you will save up to 10 percent on your heating bills. It might be worth it to break out more sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and cozy blankets to save some money.

Save Money with Professional HVAC Maintenance

They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and the same is true for HVAC maintenance. If you haven't scheduled your annual furnace inspection, please contact us and get on our schedule. We'd love to help you save on energy costs this winter.

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